As the temperature climbs, the risk of flystrike increases.


Flystrike, which is also known as myiasis, is a condition caused by flies laying their eggs in animals' fur (particularly around their bottom) which then hatch as maggots; this can happen in just a few hours. The maggots eat into the animal's flesh, causing pain, and if not treated promptly can lead to toxic shock and ultimately death. It is more prevalent in warmer weather, especially between April and October, so we encourage pet owners to be extra vigilant during this period.


As the condition can take hold very quickly, it is important to monitor your pet and if you see any signs of maggots take them to see a vet as soon as possible.


Preventing flystrike is the best way of ensuring your pet is safe, so it is important to check your animal twice a day for any dirt or maggots, especially around their bottom.


Insecticide sprays are also available to prevent flies from laying their eggs in the first place. It is vital that any wounds or other problems are managed and treated as appropriate.

Flystrike can occur in well-cared-for pets; however, it's worth bearing in mind that animals with soiled rear ends or dirty fur are at higher risk. This means it is important to be extra vigilant with pets that are unable to properly clean themselves, are ill or suffer from an internal parasitic infection.


If you ever have any concerns about your pet’s health, we recommend contacting your vet immediately.